Inquiries on the Epson Inkjet Solution website
  • This form is only for the OEM printhead.
    For local customer support for Epson branded printers, click here.
  • This form is for inquiries from corporate customers.
    (We do not respond to inquiries from individual customers.)
  • We use your inquiry to answer the questions. Please check the Privacy Statement before entering your personal information.
  • A sales representative will answer your inquiry as soon as possible. It may take several days to respond.
  • Our answer to your inquiry is strictly for your own use. Please refrain from reposting, retransmitting, or sharing our answer with others or on social media.
  • The form supports only letters and numbers. Double-byte characters are invalid.

You cannot enter single-byte katakana or model-dependent characters in the items.

[Fields marked with an "*" are required.]
1. Region: *Epson sales representative in your area is to contact you
2. E-mail address: *

For confirmation, input your email address again.
3. Name: *
4. Company name: *
5. Company website:
6. Inquiry: *
Check the terms above and agree.